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No sales on your web store!


We know that it takes a lot of effort and hard work to design your ecommerce store. After putting all your head into learning the design philosophy, tricks of the professional photoshoot, creating adorable product detail pages, and much more; it’s disheartening if it doesn’t work as expected.

But, you need to keep patience! You have to believe in the fact that you have just launched your ecommerce store, and there are several ecommerce businesses like yours serving for years. It’s not that easy for you to turn to a brand and get your order section flooded with the orders. The sales will gradually come, and cash flow will develop.

Check whether you are ready to market your business or not. How much time have you waited for after making your store live? Have you promoted your business earlier to increase brand awareness in the market? Whether Are customers interested in buying the products you are selling? Your pitching must be in the right way, the right time, then only you will be able to convert people.

Since you are asking about the sale, we would like to bring your attention to the traffic in your store. If you won’t be getting enough quality traffic that can convert, getting sales will not be easier for you.

Here, we will talk about a few organic/unpaid ways to bring people to your ecommerce store.

●    Audit your site:

Audit your site
First things first, audit your ecommerce store. Though it should be done before making your store live, it’s never too late. The site audit involves checking the compatibility of your store as per the factors to rank your site on the search engines. Google Chrome’s SEO audit tool and website checker can be installed to give you the performance report of your ecommerce store. The audit report of your website will talk about all the necessary changes that you can do at your site to rank your store and bring quality traffic to it.

●    SEO:

Now that you already got the performance report of your ecommerce store, it’s the time to optimize the performance by making your SEO right. Depending upon the ecommerce platform or website builder platform you are using to build an ecommerce store for your business, the section of SEO updating will vary. If you have created your store with Builderfly, you will find that we have categorized SEO in two sections viz for web pages and product detail pages. From the settings section of each of your web pages, you can update the SEO for each of your web pages. From the catalog section, you can update meta tags, meta keywords, and meta description for your product listings distinctly.
When updating SEO in either of the sections, keep in mind that you add keyword-rich meta description clearly and concisely.

●    A+ content for product detail pages:

Quality content is profitable for any business. For your ecommerce store, you better don’t concentrate only on the static web pages, rather optimize your product detail pages. Do you know why people search for the products on Amazon before buying, especially from brands? Well, it’s because of the detailed product description with the high-quality image shared with the customer. The customer-centric policies are surely another vital reason to count on.
As a startup, it will take time for you to earn the trust of the customers and become their choice. However, the A+ content of the product pages can earn the trust of the customers. If a customer is satisfied with the product they are checking on your store within their budget, you will have more chances of conversion from your store. The A+ content pages also help in the improvement of the ranking of your ecommerce store, as they are one of the key factors of making your website search engine friendly.

●    Create your social presence:

From reading the news to searching for the product and attending live events, social media is taking a toll on everything. Promoting the products where the audience is ready to grasp the content can be the best reason to grow as a business. Social commerce is nothing that fancy; it’s just the use of social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. not only connect with the people but enable them to buy from the platform directly.
When you are about to launch your business, social channels can help you reach the audience and generate awareness about your brand. Social media platforms help you build the community around your group of audience and connect to contribute on a larger scale. You can find the seller groups and wholesaler businesses that can improve the B2B sale in your store.

●    Security badges to earn customer’s trust:

Earning the trust of the target audience and to make them feel secure enough to buy from your online site is a tough job. The average cart abandonment rate ranges between 60%-80%. This implies that even when you are getting traffic to your store, there isn’t a 100% chance of the conversion from the store. If your site is not secure, the chances of abandonment of your store will be way too high. We believe that you already took SSL certification for your store to encrypt the necessary data while traversing between the servers to secure ecommerce transactions. Update the policy pages on your ecommerce store.
While integrating the payment gateway to your store, don’t forget to check the compliance of PCI DSS for secure transfer via credit/debit cards. By the addition of popular security badges like that of PayPal, MacAfee, eTrust, Norton, etc. you tell your customers that you are secure against online fraudulent activities. It’s not only about adding security patches; rather, you take the certification from them to make your website secure to conduct online business. These badges are known to reduce the cart abandonment rate by 10-20%.

Now, we will tell you the paid modes of boosting the interaction on your ecommerce store and improving your sales.

●    Social commerce:

Taking your social interaction on social media platforms to the next level, you can frame the strategies to improve the count of the target audience and invite people to your online store. Also, you can integrate your shop with Facebook Pixel to let your customers buy from your Facebook shop. In this way, you can convert your social channels to ecommerce stores. It’s not completely the same from all other social handles.
On some platforms, you can simply promote the link to your store and divert traffic to it. With the help of paid campaigns, you can target the right set of audiences and improve the chances of reading the people who are genuinely interested in buying products from you. Based on the analytics report of your Facebook Pixel, you can optimize your paid campaigns on social channels, and improve the chances of conversion.

●    Email marketing:

If you have the database to start with email marketing, that’s great; if not, then you can search for the online platforms that can help you with the database. Email marketing helps you reach your target audience; it’s like the cold call of the digital market. The best thing won’t be bugging the viewers unless they open it, and they can’t block you in the first go. If you customers will be taking action on the sent email or not, it entirely depends upon your content. Try to make it good, appealing and personalized. Make it engaging, and don’t forget to add CTA. Try not to be spammy; else, you will be left unheard.

●    Paid advertising campaigns:

Paid advertising campaigns

The paid promotion is known to increase the reach of your product to the right set of audience. Google Adwords can help you create an advertising campaign for your website that can grow your business to the next level. With the help of tools like google tag manager, Google Keyword planner, and several others, you can righteously optimize your campaigns.
From local to a global audience, you can connect with everyone, and it just depends upon the need of your business and products/services you like to promote. The best thing about advertising with Google is, PPC campaigns where you pay only for the click on your ad, and not for the number customers viewed it. You can convert these clickable ads to images based ads, contextual ads, video ads, or a combination of them.

We tried to cover the basics with a few advanced tactics deploying which you can market your business and get sales. Make a list of more queries like those we have mentioned in the introductory section and ask yourself to answer all the conditions. If you are unable to answer, you can look for expert assistance for the same. If you want help to promote your ecommerce store, you can write to us at support@builerfly.com.

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